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今年●校を卒業した君へ。愛する我が子に向かった歪んだ躾。喉奥まで咥えて精一杯ご奉仕する従順な娘。※即削除・特典有 5 3 1 51:13


To you who graduated from school this year. A distorted discipline directed at my beloved child. An obedient daughter who sucks to the back of her throat and serves her as much as she can. * Immediate deletion and benefits available

今年●校を卒業した君へ。愛する我が子に向かった歪んだ躾。喉奥まで咥えて精一杯ご奉仕する従順な娘。※即削除・特典有 5 21 10 50:33


To you who graduated from school this year. A distorted discipline directed at my beloved child. An obedient daughter who sucks to the back of her throat and serves her as much as she can. * Immediate deletion and benefits available

今年●校を卒業した君へ。愛する我が子に向かった歪んだ躾。喉奥まで咥えて精一杯ご奉仕する従順な娘。※即削除・特典有 5 12 7 50:35


To you who graduated from school this year. A distorted discipline directed at my beloved child. An obedient daughter who sucks to the back of her throat and serves her as much as she can. * Immediate deletion and benefits available

今年●校を卒業した君へ。愛する我が子に向かった歪んだ躾。喉奥まで咥えて精一杯ご奉仕する従順な娘。※即削除・特典有 5 14 7 50:40


To you who graduated from school this year. A distorted discipline directed at my beloved child. An obedient daughter who sucks to the back of her throat and serves her as much as she can. * Immediate deletion and benefits available
